Your vehicle has many different rubber components that perform very important functions. They conduct fluids, air and lubricants to the engine and transmission. They provide strong seals that prevent fluid leaks and provide insulation. Some help keep certain parts running smoothly.
The cold Buffalo winters are especially hard on rubber components such as fan belts, gaskets, door/window seals and air/fluid hoses. As you drive on wet roads, water, grease and grime get kicked up from underneath the car. This can lead to corrosion in your belts, seals and hoses. If anything starts to leak or slip, it could lead to much bigger problems. Let's look at some of the most common rubber components in your vehicle:
Timing Belt
This is a notched rubber belt that allows the crankshaft to turn the camshaft. If it is slipping, then your engine will not run smoothly. If it breaks, your engine will not turn at all. That's why it's so important to have it checked regularly.
Serpentine Belt
The serpentine belt (also known as a drive belt) provides power to many different components including the air conditioning compressor, engine cooling fan, air injection pump, power steering pump and more. It is very important to make sure it is at the appropriate tightness to avoid slipping or breaking.
Your car will have various hoses and tubes running throughout to conduct air or fluid between different parts. Air hoses, coolant hoses, hydraulic brake lines and others should be inspected regularly and replaced as needed.
Gaskets and Seals
Your transmission pan gasket, rear main engine seal and other gaskets and seals throughout the vehicle are vital to prevent fluid leaks. If any seal or gasket is damaged, it should be replaced immediately.
Door, Window, Trunk and Hood Seals
Though not necessarily vital to the performance of the vehicle, all outside seals are important to provide insulation and to minimize outside water getting in that can ultimately cause internal damage.
For all your seal, gasket, hose and belt maintenance, repair and replacement needs, count on the auto repair experts at Schultz Auto and Truck Repair. Call our shop today at (716) 422-4008 or schedule your service appointment online.