Most of us like to jump in our cars and go without thinking much about anything other than where we are headed. Especially when we are young and we can’t wait to get to a party, a friend’s house, or some other fun event. It is, however, important that everyone holds a bit of knowledge about the powerful vehicle under the control of our foot on the pedal, hand on the shifter, mitts on the steering wheel.
Know your car: Make sure someone teaches you about your specific car. From lights to brakes to everything in between, set it all up the ways that will keep you safe before ever pulling away from the curb. Understand all of your lights, set all mirrors to provide you with the least blind spots, and set your seat to provide you with comfort but also with the best ability to properly handle your steering wheel.
Owner's manual: Contrary to popular belief, your owner’s manual isn’t just there to take up room in your glove box or to satisfy the automaker’s lawyers. There’s a lot of good, even if not juicy, material in there. It’s the first step in getting to know your specific vehicle’s needs and nuances.
How to change a tire: With your new found freedom comes great responsibility. No one’s going to be there when you get your first flat to help you change it and while, yes, AAA exists for a reason, there’s no better way to increase your auto-owning confidence than when you can take control of your own flat tire! It can also help you quickly get out of a space or area where you don’t feel safe rather than waiting for AAA to get to you to help.
Phone use while driving: Well, don’t. Or at least know your car’s bluetooth capability and how you can utilize the hands-free option while talking on the phone. Distracted driving is one of the leading causes of fatal (and non-fatal) accidents. Don’t become a statistic. In modern vehicles, there is so much great technology that helps us to stay distraction-free, but it’s up to you to learn how to use it and put it to good use.
Know how to drive in bad weather: Give yourself extra space between your car and the ones ahead. Drive slower. Practice how to handle skidding; do it in an open field or empty parking lot. Make sure your tires are at their optimal performance levels (tread depth, overall wear, proper inflation). Give yourself extra time to get to where you need to be and just don’t be in a hurry.
Before you send your young driver off to face the world of roads, freeways, and traffic lights, make sure to come into Schultz Auto & Truck Repair in Hamburg to get their car ready for all of their road-warrior adventures. Your young driver’s car is in great hands with a team who places their safety as our number one priority. Also, keep an eye out for our free new driver classes as we have them. In March 2019, we had a new driver class that helped out several teens and parents. If there is demand for another new driver class, we’ll start planning the next one.
Make your appointment today for top-notch auto and truck repair. Schultz Auto & Truck Repair is conveniently located at 5085 Southwestern Blvd., Hamburg, NY 14075 and we are open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.